Freshly Stormed Cloud

Certus and Zak talk about Zak’s password issues, lava lamp security, CloudFlare killing birds to warn their customers, not so pro tips for college life, the next big dorm fad, some philosophical stuff, and Reamde for a little longer.



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Increasingly Dangerous Rants

Certus and Zak talk about Starbucks knowing your name and preferences, light switches that suck, bank apps that suck, course schedulers that suck, using pens before being fully awake, needing more modes, persistent reminding, maybe responding, DNA overflows, taxing bags, broken hearts, listening to swedish radio, and bears (forever).



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Routinely Secured Bleachers

Certus and Zak talk about giant futon bleachers, swirling air pens, weird and complicated Bitcoin, typing in Australian, Sweden leaking, penguins running in windows, Greek “B” iPads, semi-mobile Solitaire, cooking pot stickers, more modes of modality, productivity trips, routinely not having routines, and not Zak’s notes.



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ZCash: t1UPfp5d2bw2FkUMdxnU1bGR7MbHRH1zLWC